World's most flighty and inconsistent blogger, at your service! How much of a cliche am I, returning at the dawn of a new year, almost like I have resolved within myself to stay committed to a certain discipline simply because the calendar bears a new digit?
But here I am. 2012, particulary the second half, was indescribably awful. I have definitely not been functioning at a level that would include funny anecdotes on my blog. It would be untrue to say I'm back in full force or anything like that, but honestly, I use the blogging format not because I'm so drawn to it, but because it was the most accessible and concise way for me to store these memories of my daughter. So I feel an obligation to her to keep it going (also on the 2013 to do list: move a gazillion photos on to a photo sharing website so I don't lose those too!).
Quick updates on the ninja: She is less fat, more tall. She has all her teeth and we suspect possible vampire heritage, as her incisors came in in ONE DAY. Despite my best efforts and her admitted affinity for crashing toy trucks and swordfighting, she is the most princess-y, pink, ridiculously girly girl ever. Current obsessions include: Nemo (more on my Nemo-induced existential crisis later, maybe), princess dresses, purses, shoes, dolls, meow-meows and woof-woofs, and going "buh-bye" in her "ride."
I'm going to start off my renewed foray into this blog with a little housecleaning. Literal cleaning of my house. Due to the circumstances that made 2012 awful and several recent trips, our house is reaching the tipping point into chaos. Who better to guide me back into domestic order than my beloved Pinterest? (You can follow me on pinterest here.)
I have chosen at near random, the blog of a clearly superior mommy blogger with a clearly bigger and better house than me and clearly far, far superior domestic instincts than the ones I have. Perfect! Fodder for humor and enough humiliation to shame me into a better person (that's how that works, right?)
Stay tuned for results.
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