I think I've mentioned before my penchant for stress-cleaning, an adreline fueled binge that either charms or annoys my husband (can't tell, he's mysterious) whenever the cloud of domestic fury overtakes me. In the days before Ninja, an overwhelming need to get my sh*# together would find me scrubbing floors, vacuuming all the things, alphabetizing the dvds. I go on one of those benders now and I turn around only to see this:
Lately, I've really been feeling like I can't stay on top of things, so it was time for (not at all) drastic measures! Off to Pinterest, where I found this blog on How to Organize Your Life, You Lazy Poor Person (that's how it made me feel). It's actually a very nice blog with good ideas. At first I was like..."YEAH. Here we go! Suck it 2013, you are getting cleaned, sorted and labeled!" Who doesn't love a label maker? So, here we go. Day 1, Kitchen. Step 1: Load the dishwasher.
But...but...I DON'T HAVE A DISHWASHER! I WASH ALL MY STUPID DISHES WITH MY STUPID HANDS. So, instead, I stopped looking at perfect people's perfect kitchens on the Internet and just cleaned my house to not the best of my ability. I would have taken pictures but there was no time. It looks terrible again. I did, however, with the help of my sweet aunt, clean out the back entryway that was loaded with recycling and random mail and thingamabobs and created THIS:
Here's Ninja making dinner. Kitchen looking the usual level of tidy:
Aaand bonus cuteness (the dvds are in fact alphabetized in the background. They remain so because the only movie we watch is Finding Nemo):