Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

The pooping was a false alarm, people. Ninja has her held safely tucked in the top of my pelvis and continues to beat the crap out of my insides like she's getting paid to do it. Must be because the government didn't shut down. Thanks a lot, Obama.

41 weeks today. Went in for a non-stress test and it was like she knew she had to put on a good show to impress everyone. I woke up at 7:30 to give myself plenty of time for breakfast and a shower. I can only hope that Ninja's fetus sleeping habits follow her out of the womb, because she is hilariously like her mama right now. If I wake up before 9, she's just a sleepy lump off to one side of my belly. Doesn't move, doesn't kick, except to try halfheartedly to get away from you when you poke her. Shower doesn't wake her, food doesn't wake her, even the car ride to the doctor...nothing. She likes to stay up late and sleep in like a pro. Well, they got the fetal monitor on just in time for her to start her very busy day of kicking me relentlessly, so that was good. She passed, she's allowed to stay in for one more week if she wants.



  1. Yowsers. I'm trying hard not to give you a bunch of ways to get that baby out of there...

    So next Monday, eviction notice time?

  2. As promised, I think I've tried them all minus castor oil. Well, I didn't bother with eating 6 whole pineapples either. Time to get in bed with my Thai food and watch Netflix (oh wait, I already tried that, too!).
    Yes, Monday or Tuesday will be forcible eviction day.

  3. Way to go Jon. Taking one for the home team.

  4. I tried castor oil with my first son. Definitely not something I would recommend!!
